Auditing Solutions
Our quality assurance services don't stop at 'mystery shopping'. Audits are an effective observation tool for evaluating everything from product displays and use of marketing materials, to brand exclusivity, franchise compliance, and even adherence to detailed company standards such as cleanliness and signage. During periodic visits, auditors openly evaluate the physical and visual aspects of the site according to your customized checklist. Our geographically diverse pool of field auditors are qualified to conduct even the most complex auditing scenario.
Real-time reporting (which may include digital photographs and embedded video) means easy access to audit results and maximum ability to respond promptly with recognition and/or adjustment.
Real-time reporting (which may include digital photographs and embedded video) means easy access to audit results and maximum ability to respond promptly with recognition and/or adjustment.
Brand Audits
Brand audits are designed to protect brand image in the context of the physical sales environment. Auditors record location details (which may include digital photographs and embedded video) to confirm that the sales environment mirrors corporate expectations.
These specialized audits help
These specialized audits help
- Provide visual confirmation of brand presentation and representation
- Document that brand integrity is maintained
- Appropriately confirm, realign, or reconsider relationships with sales partners
Price Audits
Price auditors specifically evaluate pricing compliance by collecting data during site visits on the prices of products or services. These audits not only serve to provide valuable pricing data but reinforce among employees the significance that your company places on consistent pricing.
These specialized audits help
These specialized audits help
- Determine if the amount charged for a product/service is uniform and correct
- Verify that the labeled price is what is paid at the cash register
- Assess if locations are properly offering promotions and discounts
- Determine if the product/service is competitively priced
- Ultimately reduce losses and enhance profit margins
Merchandising Audits
During a merchandising audit, Analysts focus on product merchandising and point of purchase components. These audits are effective in monitoring and maintaining brand exclusivity, franchise compliance, and adherence to company standards.
These specialized audits help
These specialized audits help
- Verify specific product inventory
- Monitor placement and use of POP materials
- Confirm pricing
- Monitor in-store demonstrations compliance and attendance
Legal Complaince Audits
Legal Compliance audits help ensure employees are observing and enforcing the laws and regulations governing your business. Analysts perform specific scenarios to test employee compliance and may take instantly alert the company of the infractions via the Instant Feedback Results feature so that immediate action can be taken if necessary.
These specialized audits help
These specialized audits help
- Ensure employees understand the importance of industry regulations and the severity of infractions
- Protect your company from the repercussions of negligence
- Maintain corporate integrity
Reveal Audits
Reveal audits feature a unique twist on the standard audit – a reveal triggered by certain employee behaviors or actions. During a Reveal audit, the Analyst does not identify himself or herself as an Analyst until an employee engages in a certain unprompted action such as suggestive selling, promoting a manufacturer’s brand, selling up, or implementing a key training initiative. Upon identifying him/herself, the Analyst immediately rewards the employee with a cash or gift incentive.
These specialized audits help
These specialized audits help
- Encourage and reinforce employee behaviors through immediate incentives
- Ensure that employees consistently implement corporate selling strategies
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Copyright © 2012-2023 Service Metrics Group LLC and Service Metrics Group Limited. All rights reserved. All trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.